Saturday, July 30, 2011


One of America's Greatest Tourist trains is the Maine Eastern Railroad. It runs from Brunswick Maine to Rockland Maine. Soon, Amtrak will be extending north from Portland to Brunswick, where you can connect with Rockland. It will make for a great day trip!

We hope you enjoy this interview with Gordon Page from the railroad.


Shot at Mansfield, MA.  Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

This man is running for President of the United States

Met this person last night. Name is Buddy Roemer. From Louisiana. I am not trying to influence your vote. See what you think.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Amtraks DOWNEASTER Back at full speed!

After a fatal collision last week, the Downeaster from Portland, Maine to Boston is back running at full speed. Here is a SOUTHbound train, then a NORTHBOUND train. Notice that the southbound train is one car shorter than its northbound counterpart!


Sunday, July 10, 2011

DINNER TRAIN in New Hampshire....The BEST ever!

Was RVing in New Hampshire and spotted a brochure for a dinner train. Found this place to be right off the interstate highway. Included some of the best food anywhere and certainly the best food ever on a tourist train. The owners even allow RVers to overnight in their lighted parking lot after their ride. We really enjoyed it and think you will to. ALLLLLLLLLLLL ABOARD!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Trains and Planes in Maine

Had a fun day checking out the planes flying in and out of the jetport and the Amtrak train heading to Boston as well as the narrow gauge railroad.

Hope you enjoy!